Legionella Risk Assessments, and Legionella Risk Assessment Reviews
Mindfully providing Legionella Risk Assessment Services to every client, every industry, at every level, effectively!
Our Legionella Risk Assessment Services provide adequate information to cover your organisation 100% of the time.
Legionella Risk Assessments and Legionella Risk Assessment Reviews from Aqua Legion UK
Our Legionella risk assessments are provided by experienced and well trained Legionella Risk Assessors. We provide legionella risk assessments and reviews to cover any building or work place environment.
We provide legionella risk assessments to a range of organisations, from private to public sector organisations, small Schools, Colleges, Universities, Hoteliers, Dental practices, Care homes or Sports Stadiums and Seasonal Venues, Aqua Legion have the experience, competence and capacity to deliver your Legionella risk assessments at a standard that is difficult to match.
Whether you need to conduct a programme of legionella risk assessment across a portfolio of properties or have a single site or tenanted space, Aqua Legion are ready to help.
Legionella Risk Assessments – Who will conduct yours?
Assuming you are aware of the legal obligation for Legionella Risk Assessment, the first question you should ask yourself is “who will conduct my Legionella risk assessment”?
The HSE confirms that a legionella risk assessment must be conducted by a Competent Person who is suitably experienced, instructed, informed and trained, and resourced to enable them to carry out the legionella risk assessments both competently and safely. In particular, those conducting Legionella risk assessments should understand the potential sources of infection and the risks they present, they should understand the measures to be adopted, including precautions to be taken for protection, and their significance as well as have a full understanding of the measures required to ensure any controls put in place remain effective.
Where the above expertise is not available in house, we recommend you enlist a specialist.
Legionella Risk Assessments from Competent Assessors
The HSE’s ACOP L8 confirms that both the Legionella risk assessments and control measures should be developed and conducted by Competent Persons. It defines Competence as a person who is suitably informed, instructed and trained and who is suitably assessed. The HSE go on to say the Legionella Risk Assessor should be properly trained to a standard which ensure the Legionella assessment is conducted in a safe and technically competent manner.
Risk Assessors should be able to evidence regular legionella risk assessment refresher training. However, although training is an essential part of competence, it is not the only factor. Competence is a product of sufficient training, experience, knowledge and other personal qualities which are needed to undertake a task safely. It is also dependent on the needs of the situation and the nature of the risk involved.
If you require competence, you have come to the right place
Legionella Risk Assessments + Competence = No hassle
It is clear that the Legionella risk assessments must be conducted by someone who is able to demonstrate competence in the field of risk evaluation, but how do you find a competent Legionella risk assessment company or person? How do you choose one company from the other?
Well, if you are appointing a specialist or external contractor, the first recommendation is to ensure they are registered with the Legionella Control Association for the provision of Independent Legionella Risk Assessment Services. This is probably the most important vetting tool in the industry for this service.
Alternatively, the individuals conducting the Legionella Assessment should be registered with the Water Management Society or under direct supervision of a Legionella Control Association registered Organisation or Water Management Society Member.
This means the individuals will have been vetted for industry relevant training, experience or expertise, or be under direct supervision of someone who has. Each individually registered, Full Member of the Water Management Society, will have been trained and or educated with a relevant Degree, or hold relevant industry experience of at least 5 years.
By choosing a Legionella Control Association Registered Supplier, the Responsible Person will be able to demonstrate their own clear intentions to have the works or services carried out competently.
You will be pleased to know that Aqua Legion is registered with the Legionella Control Association. Our Senior Consultant and Director has been a Full Member of the Water Management Society since 2003, a member of its Management Council since 2008 and elected as a Fellow in 2016.
Why choose a Legionella Control Association Supplier?
Whilst we accept there are many routes to competence, the importance of the Legionella Control Association and Water Management Society in maintaining standards cannot be emphasised enough.
If you are trying to distinguish a clear difference in the expected standards of two contractors who at first glance may appear to provide a very similar service. Review their commitment to the Legionella Control Associations Code of Conduct and the Water Management Society and you will soon be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Furthermore, using this format of vetting will also greatly support your own demonstration of due care and diligence should any issues arise. If you can confirm the Contractor you used or appointed was registered with the Legionella Control Association for risk assessments, then you can at least say you followed the guidance and best industry vetting tools to obtain a suitably competent Contractor. This simple measure will go a long way to supporting a Responsible Person’s defence should any issues arise.
Likewise, if you choose not to use a registered supplier or someone who is not formally trained or Competent, perhaps from within your Organisation for example, it is possible that your exposure to liability may increase should an outbreak occur.
Robust Competence and accountability
Aqua Legion UK are proud to confirm that we have been registered with the Legionella control association for the provision of legionella risk assessments since our conception 10 years ago. We feel this is a commitment to a minimum standard paramount to our service. We should also add that all of our consultants are individual members of the Water Management Society or under a Members direct supervision and following a structured matrix for training and continuous professional development. Please review our accreditation’s page for further verification of competence, knowledge and expertise.
The Legionella Risk Assessment Process!
Following your initial enquiry and provision of the information needed about the building to be assessed. We will provide an initial proposal via email to be agreed.
Once the proposal is agreed, we will arrange an appointment for one of our Consultants or Technicians to visit your site(s) to conduct the Legionella risk assessment survey or Legionella risk assessment review inspection.
The individual sent will be dependent on the complexity of the site to be assessed. To conduct a full legionella risk assessment, we will require access to all water containing assets and equipment in your demised area including water heaters, boilers, hot and cold water distribution pipe work, tap outlets, showers, tanks and any other water containing equipment or assets. Each asset will be inspected, surveyed and assessed for Legionella risk.
However, it is important to confirm our Legionella risk assessments are non-destructive surveys and therefore only include a walk through visual inspection of the accessible water containing assets and services. The Assessor will not be lifting floor boards or removing panelling to access concealed pipe work without your assistance, permission and a real requirement to do so.
Consequently, Legionella risk assessments can normally be conducted during normal working hours and will not normally have any significant impact on the normal operation of your office or building. The information collected during the Legionella risk assessment will be used to produce a formally written legionella assessment report that will comply to the HSE’s ACOP L8, British Standard BS8580 and HTM guides where appropriate.
Our Legionella Risk Assessments are not generic!
Each Legionella risk assessment is individually drafted to be both site specific and client specific! Our Legionella risk assessments are never generic and offer the client an effective tool in managing their water services cost effectively!
Whilst there is material in the legionella risk assessment reports that are common across all reports, this is to ensure each report provides a complete background and understanding of the risk identified in the context of the individual building or system is was produced for. We therefore ensure each report can be seen as a standalone document or part of a whole system of legionella management.
Legionalla risk assessment – Priority Service
As part of the standard service, we aim to issue the final report within 21 days of the site survey. However, in more complex buildings this may take longer. This is because our assessments are not generic. They are individually drafted, reviewed and concluded to ensure they are most useful and implementable.
Nevertheless, we are able to fast tract risk assessments but this will normally be subject to a priority or emergency service charge. So if you require a fast track assessment, just let us know and we can do a seven day turnaround report if a priority service is requested.
Quality Legionella Risk Assessments!
Our Legionella risk assessments are fully comprehensive, but simple to understand and implement. When you appoint Aqua Legion you can be rest assured that within one concise document, you will have all the information to cover your legal requirements for risk assessment or risk assessment review, and all the tools to implement and develop a site specific control scheme that will demonstrate clear compliance to HSE guidance.
Furthermore – our new legionella risk assessment format has been refreshed with simplicity of use in mind. This has resulted in the report being even simpler to digest and understand. We came up with the phrase “tick box easy to implement” it is that clear. It is this expertise, and down to earth clarity, that clearly separates us from most other companies who provide Legionella risk assessments and Legionella risk assessment review services.
If you need a specialist to undertake your Legionella risk assessments or legionella risk assessment review
Then you have come to the right place and we look forward to hearing from you
Legionella Risk Assessments that stimulate interest
Far too often, we see very complicated looking and lengthy Legionella risk assessments that can be difficult for even the most trained auditor to digest. The client simply doesn’t know what to do with this type of document. These reports often end up on the shelf without much use to anyone. Sometimes they are sent to us with a note, “We had this Legionella risk assessment done but don’t understand what we need to do next, can you help”?
All of our Legionella risk assessments and legionella risk assessment review reports are written in a clear, concise and unambiguous manner. Our assessment reports are designed with the client in mind, for ease of interpretation and implementation. We have designed our legionella assessments and reviews to be used frequently and effectively.
Need a clear concise format for your legionella risk risk assessment
Contact Aqua Legion for legionella risk assessments of the highest standard but at the most competitive rates?
Booking your legionella risk assessment or review
Please call or email us with as much of the following information about your site to hand as possible.
- Type and location of premise to be assessed
- Number of buildings to be assessed
- How many floors in each building to be assessed
- How many cold water storage tanks present and accessibility (if known)
- How is hot water heated and distributed (if known)
- How many water heaters are present (if known)
- How many toilet blocks / sets of toilets in the building.
- How many showers are present
- How many kitchens or kitchenettes present
- Detail of any other water containing systems, services or equipment present that needs to be assessed
- Your contact details, and details and specifics of project to be completed.
- Copy of previous risk assessment (if available)
Get a quote or book your Legionella risk assessment now.
Call us on 020 8555 3797
Further: HSE information regarding legionella risk assessment: HSE information on legionella assessment here